Green Architecture Issue

Posted by Green Architecture | 9:43 AM

It could be said that there shouldn't be bumper issues, like this one, focused on green design; that gr ought to be the way we think every day anyway-no need to hype it up or celebrate it or bring attention the fact. But the reality is that we live in times when, despite compelling evidence and the charms of AI i there is scant action. And so the drum-beating persists until-as Kevin Hydes, Chair of the World Green Building Council, puts it-we reach a point when we are genuinely surprised when someone does not ac knowledge of climate change.

He thinks we are three years from getting there for its part, wants to nudge things along; this will be the first of many Green annual

The pages ahead are filed with projects that speak of serious attempts at making a difference. We giv airtime to experts who speak on subjects ranging from design education (. We talk with innovative minds, get insights into collaborative enterprises that are the buildin blocks of successful greening (. And yes, for what it's worth, there is a zero energy bui to raise the flag of the good fight

This issue also covers in January 2008, with great turnout, I mi add. The results of this-the first large green building design competition in Asia opened to professiona students-were subsequently announced at a series of eight FuturArc Forums held in cities across the i These award-winning ideas and expert opinions on sustainability were brought to audiences who were 1 - for information (.

If there is some take-away from these past months, it is that there is real broad-based momentum or challenges facing the construction industry in going green . There are also serious differences in terms of awareness and commitment between countries learnt that developments that are truly green are distinguished by performance that is measurable, vent and replicable. Designers now have tools, like Ecotect, that sharpen their instincts at the drawing board simulating the building's interaction with its environment, helping project teams visualise performance e set targets.

So the next time someone paints a building green with a faddish feature or technology-as Cheah Kc Ming calls it: the obligatory roof garden or solitary photovoltaic panel-ask them what differe it really makes. And if they can't tell you how much waste was cut or consumption reduced, what savinc carbon emissions were achieved, chances are that it's feel-good greening, derisively called greenwash.

With all this food for thought we wish you 'bon appetite'. Happy reading!

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